Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Halston Silk Chiffon Evening Gowns created in the 70's.

Roy Frowick’s big break came while he was living in Chicago during the 1950’s. The Chicago Daily News did a story which featured his fashionable hats. As a result, he opened his first major shop in 1957 called the Boulevard Salon. Roy began using his middle name—Halston—professionally.

Halston later moved to New York. Celebrity hair stylist Andre Basil introduced him to Lilly Dache, a French milliner who offered him a job in 1959. It took less than a year for Halston to become a co-designer at Dache and move on to become head milliner for the department store Bergdorf Goodman. He expanded into clothing design at Bergdorf Gorman in 1966 but left the store in 1967.

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